Arduino Nano LCD Update

Short Circuit Protection

Arduino Nano SPWM Generator Update

This is an update to my previous post about the Arduino Nano SPWM generator by adding short circuit protection function.

The method of Short Circuit detection is by checking the Voltage Feedback. When Short Circuit conditions occur the voltage detected will be very low, and then it will trigger the protection.

The addition itself is only a few lines of code. So I’ll just go straight to the update

Added Code for Short Circuit Protection.

In the “void alarmIndication(int alarm)” function add a command to display the Short Circuit.

if (alarm == 20) lcd.print(" SHORT CIRCUIT");

So when Short Circuit protection conditions occur, that is alarm condition number 20 then the display will show the message “SHORT CIRCUIT”.

Next in the main program “void loop()” there is an addition for short circuit detection that occurs. The first is to determine the maximum voltage that occurs during the positive cycle.


Then at the beginning of the negative cycle, the maximum voltage during the positive cycle is compared to a certain value, if it is smaller it indicates that a short circuit has occurred.

In short circuit conditions, the voltage at the output terminal will be around zero volts, but here I made it slightly larger to anticipate resistance so that the terminal is not really zero.

I also add a counter to count very low voltage conditions that occur. Here I used at least one event that will trigger the alarm short circuit. This meant when we have low voltage for one cycle of AC signal ie 20 milliseconds, then the alarm triggered.

The Low Voltage value to trigger protection is 18V based on trial and error, we can change the value for this by changing the vMax<=XX.

    if (vMax<=50 && phs==0) alrmCnt++;     // Vout<=18V alarm (50/614x220V <= 18V)
    if (alrmCnt>=1) alarmIndication(20);   // when occur for 1 cycle or 20mS

Here is the complete code for this update:

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 20, 4);  // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display


   Created : 11/18/2021
   Author  : yopie DIY

  add : Short Circuit Protection

   SPWM_Nano_VFB3_LCD.ino  add : LCD 16x2 I2C

   Left bridge used for fundamental signal (50Hz/60Hz), Right bridge for SPWM (10kHz carrier freq.)
   Sampling per Cycle 
   ---> 10kHz/50Hz = 200 
   ---> 10kHZ/60hz = 166
   Look Up table entries use only half cycles (identical positive and negative cycles) 
   50 Hz --->  200/2 = 100 entries
   60 Hz --->  167/2 = 83 entries
   SPWM clock = fXTAL/freq. carrier = 16.000.000/10.000 = 1.600 clock. 
   WGM mode 8 is used, so ICR1 = 1.600/2 = 800 clk
   Look up tables for a half cycle (100 or 83 entries), max value = 800 (100% duty cycle)is loaded into register ICR1.

  This code is for 50Hz !!!
  for 60Hz use the Lookup Table for 60Hz and use the code marked on the ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) !!!

const byte vfbPin = A0,
           tfbPin = A1,
           battPin = A2;
volatile double percentMod;
int phs;

//---------------------------------Look Up Table for 50 Hz---------------------------------------
int lookUp1[] = {
  0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 199, 223, 247, 271, 294, 318, 341, 363, 385, 407, 429, 450,
  470, 490, 510, 529, 548, 566, 583, 600, 616, 632, 647, 662, 675, 689, 701, 713, 724, 734, 744, 753,
  761, 768, 775, 781, 786, 790, 794, 796, 798, 800, 800, 800, 798, 796, 794, 790, 786, 781, 775, 768,
  761, 753, 744, 734, 724, 713, 701, 689, 675, 662, 647, 632, 616, 600, 583, 566, 548, 529, 510, 490,
  470, 450, 429, 407, 385, 363, 341, 318, 294, 271, 247, 223, 199, 175, 150, 125, 100, 75, 50, 25, 0

//---------------------------------Look Up Table for 60 Hz---------------------------------------
int lookUp1[] = { 
  0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 179, 208, 237, 266, 294, 322, 349, 376, 402, 428, 453, 478, 501, 524, 
  547, 568, 589, 609, 628, 646, 664, 680, 695, 710, 723, 735, 747, 757, 766, 774, 781, 787, 792, 796, 
  798, 800, 800, 799, 797, 794, 790, 784, 778, 770, 762, 752, 741, 729, 717, 703, 688, 672, 655, 637, 
  619, 599, 579, 558, 536, 513, 489, 465, 441, 415, 389, 363, 335, 308, 280, 252, 223, 194, 164, 135, 
  105, 75, 45, 15, 0};

void setup() {
  // Register initilisation, see datasheet for more detail.
  TCCR1A = 0b10110000;
  /*      10xxxxxx Clear OC1A/OC1B on compare match when up-counting. Set OC1A/OC1B on compare match when down counting
          xx11xxxx Set OC1A/OC1B on compare match when up-counting. Clear OC1A/OC1B on compare match when down counting.
          xxxxxx00 WGM1 1:0 for waveform 8 (phase freq. correct).
  TCCR1B = 0b00010001;
  /*      000xxxxx
          xxx10xxx WGM1 3:2 for waveform mode 8.
          xxxxx001 no prescale on the counter.
  TIMSK1 = 0b00000001;
  /*      xxxxxxx1 TOV1 Flag interrupt enable. */
  ICR1 = 800;        /* Counter TOP value (at 16MHz XTAL, SPWM carrier freq. 10kHz, 200 samples/cycle).*/
  sei();             /* Enable global interrupts.*/
  DDRB = 0b00011110; /* Pin 9, 10, 11, 12 as outputs.*/
  PORTB = 0;

  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);

  lcd.init();  // initialize the lcd
  lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
  lcd.print("Yopie DIY");  // Welcome screen
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("Arduino SPWM Gen");

  percentMod = 0.01;
  for (int i = 0; i < 75; i++) {  // Soft Start
    percentMod = percentMod + 0.01;
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

void alarmIndication(int alarm) {
  TCCR1A = 0;  // shutdown SPWM output
  TIMSK1 = 0;
  PORTB &= 0b11100001;

  lcd.setCursor(4, 0);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  if (alarm == 2) lcd.print(" UNDER VOLTAGE");
  if (alarm == 3) lcd.print("  OVER VOLTAGE");
  if (alarm == 4) lcd.print("OVER TEMPERATURE");
  if (alarm == 5) lcd.print("  LOW BATTERY");
  if (alarm == 20) lcd.print(" SHORT CIRCUIT");

  for (int i = 0; i < alarm; i++) {
    digitalWrite(7, HIGH);  // turn ON LED and Buzzer
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(7, LOW);  // then turn OFF
    digitalWrite(13, LOW);
  goto loopX;  //never ending story... until reset

void feedBackTest(float vfbIn, int tfbIn, int battIn) {
  long alrm;
  static int alrmCnt;
  static int dispCnt;
  float dis1;
  float dis2;
  float dis3;

  if (digitalRead(2) == LOW) return;
  if (phs != 1) return;

  alrm = constrain(vfbIn, 462, 660);
  if (alrm != vfbIn) alrmCnt++;
    alrmCnt = 0;
  if (alrm == 462 && alrmCnt >= 150) alarmIndication(2);             // underVoltage @ 2.5V --> 2.75 / 5 x 1023 = 562
  if (alrm == 660 && alrmCnt >= 15) alarmIndication(3);              // overVoltage @ 3.15V --> 3.15 / 5 x 1023 = 645
  if (tfbIn >= 924) alarmIndication(4);                              // over temp @ 80C --> 10k/(10k + 1.068k) x 1023 =924
  if (battIn <= 457) alarmIndication(5);                             // low batt @ 10.5V --> (2k7/12.7k x 10.5) / 5 x 1023 = 457
  if (tfbIn >= 725 && digitalRead(8) == LOW) digitalWrite(8, HIGH);  // fan ON @45C --> 725
  if (tfbIn <= 679 && digitalRead(8) == HIGH) digitalWrite(8, LOW);  // fan OFF @40C --> 679

  if (dispCnt >= 50) {        // display updated every 50 cycle to avoid flickering
    dis1 = battIn * 0.02299;  // constant is the result of reversing the above calculation
    dis2 = vfbIn * 0.3560;
    dis3 = ((tfbIn - 512) / 11.0) + 25.0;
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
    lcd.print(String(dis1, 1) + "  " + String(dis2, 0) + "   " + String(dis3, 1));
    dispCnt = 0;

void loop() {
  static int vfbValue;
  static int vfbValue1;
  static int vfbRise = 0;
  static int vMax;
  float alrm = 0;
  static int alrmCnt = 0;

  float ampDiff;

  if (phs == 1) {
    vfbValue1 = vfbValue;

    vfbValue = analogRead(vfbPin);  // vfbPin = 0 to 5V ---> vfbValue = 0 to 1023

    if (vfbValue > vfbValue1 && vfbValue > 200) vfbRise = 1;  //check for positif cycle, bigger than noise

    if (vfbValue < vfbValue1 && vfbRise == 1) {               // maximum vfb value reached
      vfbRise = 0;
      ampDiff = 614 - vfbValue1;
      if (ampDiff > 5 || ampDiff < -5) {
        percentMod = percentMod + (ampDiff / vfbValue1);  // voltage correction
        if (percentMod > 0.97) percentMod = 0.97;    // limit duty cycle to 97%
      feedBackTest(vfbValue1, analogRead(tfbPin), analogRead(battPin));    
    if (vMax<=50 && phs==0) alrmCnt++;     // Vout<=18V alarm (50/614x220V <= 18V)
    if (alrmCnt>=1) alarmIndication(20);   // when occur for 1 cycle or 20mS
  } else  vMax=0;

ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) {
  static int num;
  static int ph;
  static int dtA = 0;
  static int dtB = 5;

  if (num >= 99) {          // <------------------ 50 Hz !!!
                            //  if (num >= 82) {    // <------------------ 60 Hz !!!
    if (ph == 0) {          // OC1A as SPWM out
      TCCR1A = 0b10110000;  // clear OC1A, set OC1B on compare match
      dtA = 0;              // no dead time
      dtB = 5;              // adding dead time to OC1B
    } else {
      TCCR1A = 0b11100000;  // OC1B as SPWM out
      dtA = 5;
      dtB = 0;
    ph ^= 1;
  OCR1A = int(lookUp1[num] * percentMod) + dtA;  // SPWM width update
  OCR1B = int(lookUp1[num] * percentMod) + dtB;  // note: 0.7 used to reduce inveter output voltage

  if (num >= 100) {  // toggle left bridge (50Hz) !!!
                     //  if (num >= 83) {                   // toggle left bridge (60Hz) !!!
    if (ph == 1) {
      digitalWrite(12, LOW);
      digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
      phs = 1;
    } else {
      digitalWrite(11, LOW);
      digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
      phs = 0;
    num = 0;

That’s the update this time, hopefully, it’s useful.
Thank you very much, have a nice day